Enterprise Zone (EZ) City of Meriden City-Wide Incentives
Businesses must be making improvements for office use, retail use, manufacturing use, warehouse use, storage use, distribution use, information technology, recreational facilities or transportation facilities.
- For not more than eight years, provided the cost of such improvements to be constructed is not less than five million dollars, or
- For not more than two years, provided the cost of such improvements to be constructed is not less than three million dollars, or
- To the extent of not more than fifty per cent of such increased assessment, for not more than three years, provided the cost of such improvements is not less than three million dollars
Businesses that do not qualify for the State’s Enterprise Zone program can still be eligible for Enterprise Zone incentives under the City of Meriden’s program:
- A seven-year real property tax break on any increase in real property taxes that comes as a result of your space being newly constructed or from being in a building rehabbed to fit your needs. This benefit could result in lower occupancy costs if you lease.
- A three-year personal property tax abatement. Your commercial business can receive this tax abatement when you move into rehabbed or newly built space in the EX and the building qualifies for the incentive mentioned above
To confirm if a property is located in the Enterprise Zone and if your project qualifies, contact the Economic Development Department.