Meriden Manufacturing Assistance Program (MMAP)

Howard Jr. and Eric Lohmann accepting their incentive to relocate Logan Steel to 119 Empire Ave. in Meriden (May 2015)

The Meriden Manufacturing Assistance Program (MMAP) provides businesses up to $15,000 for expenses related to relocation to Meriden and loans up to $500,000. MMAP is intended to supplement conventional or state financing.

MMAP is implemented in part through section 32-220 of Connecticut General Statutes and adopted by the Meriden City Council on September 18, 1995. MMAP is to be managed by the MMAA (“the Agency”) as per these regulations. Funds awarded under the MMAP program are subject to City Council approval.

Recent MMAP Meeting Minutes & Agendas

Information About MMAP


The MAP is intended to provide assistance in the form of revision of a loan guarantee through a qualified public or private lending institution; and under certain circumstances, a direct loan serviced by a qualified lender.


The amount of financing is limited to $500,000 per transaction. No business may receive such assistance more than once in every five year period.

Eligible Projects

Eligible projects are the purchase of a manufacturing facility, the construction of a manufacturing facility, or the substantial renovation or expansion of a manufacturing facility. The manufacturing facility must consist of a plant, building or other real property, improvement or part thereon. If acquired, it must have been idle for at least one year prior to the acquisition. The Agency may waive the idleness requirement upon determination that there is a likelihood that the facility will remain idle for one year. It must be acquired by an organization which is unaffiliated with the seller.

A manufacturing facility may consist of an entire plant, structure or other real property improvement or may consist of a part or section of a building or improvement. Only that part which is acquired, constructed or renovated will be designated as the facility. A manufacturing facility is acquired for the purpose of these regulations if title is acquired by a new owner through purchase, or is leased to a new occupant. In the case of a lease, the lease must be for a minimum term of five years with a renewable option for an additional five years or other evidence of a substantial long term commitment for the facility.

A manufacturing facility is a facility used for:

  1. the manufacturing, processing or assembly of raw materials, parts or manufacturing products;
  2. the significant servicing, overhauling or rebuilding of machinery and equipment for industrial use;
  3. the distribution in bulk of manufactured products other than on a retail basis; and
  4. research and development activities directly related to manufacturing. Research and development activities are considered to be directly related to the manufacturing process when the company has any of the standard industrial classification codes as listed in these regulations.

Qualified Lender

A qualified lender is a financial institution or other organization designated as qualified by the Agency prior to application. To be designated as a qualified lender the institution or organization must apply in writing to the Agency providing documents which describe the conditions under which the institution or organization will participate in the program.


Application for assistance under the MAP must be by the qualified lender on forms approved by the Agency. The application will consist of a request for specific assistance by the qualified lender with accompanying business plans, financial statements, project descriptions, project budgets, recommended collateral and such other information as the lender deems appropriate.

The information contained in the application must include but is not limited to:

  1. a description of the proposed project which shall consist of the following:
    1. a legal description of the real property within the boundaries of the project area;
    2. a description of the present condition and uses of such real property;
    3. a description of the types and locations of land uses or building uses proposed for the project area;
    4. a description of the types and locations of present and proposed streets, sidewalks and sanitary, utility and other facilities and the types and locations of other proposed project improvements;
    5. statement of the present and proposed zoning classification and subdivision status of the project area and the areas adjacent to the project area;
    6. a plan for relocating project area occupants;
    7. a financing plan;
    8. an administrative plan;
    9. an environmental analysis, marketability and proposed land use study, or building use study if requiredby the Agency;
    10. appraisal reports and title searches if required by the Agency; and
    11. a description of the economic benefit of the project, including the number of jobs which the applicant anticipates would be created or retained by the project, estimated property tax benefits and the number and types of existing housing units in the municipality in which the project would be located and in continuous municipalities, which would be available to employees filling such jobs; if required by the Agency.
  2. information concerning the financial and technical capacity of the eligible applicant to undertake the proposed project;
  3. a project budget;
  4. identification, when appropriate, of business support services that may be of benefit to the state and the manufacturing and economic base businesses located or locating in the project areas as part of the project.


In order to approve an application, the Agency must find that:

  1. the land and buildings within the boundaries of the project area will be used principally for manufacturing or other economic base business purposes or business support services;
  2. the plan is in accordance with the plan of development for the municipality;
  3. the project will contribute to the economic welfare of the municipality and that to carry out and administer the project, public action is required.

Upon approval by the Agency of any application, the Agency will forward the approved application and project plan to the City Council for final approval. If approved, the Agency will cause funds, guarantee documents, or other appropriate assistance to be dispersed to the qualified lender or the manufacturing business directly.


For more information on the program and/or these regulations, and for a list of qualified lenders you may contact the City of Meriden Economic Development Office.

The following provision is added to the City's Manufacturing Assistance Program (MAP) per City Council Resolution 4/1/02:

  1. The City Council may approve reimbursement to selected businesses (e.g., bio-tech, high-tech, or other specialized enterprises) for up to $15,000 for the following expenses:
    1. Computer equipment
    2. Computer networking costs
    3. Telephone equipment
    4. Moving expenses
    5. Laboratory development/outfitting costs
    6. Specialized utility expenses
    7. Other Unique expenses
  2. Upon approval, the City shall reimburse the owner or lessee for such expenses, only after such expenses have been incurred.
  3. Such reimbursement shall be subject to appropriate documentation.
  4. Applicants under this program will be limited to companies relocating to Meriden, or relocating a major portion of their operations to the City.
  5. Requests shall be limited to companies of 100 employees or less with total annual revenues of $2 million or more.